Erasmus+ Project
'Learning Workshop for Sustainable Environmental Protection'
Role R.U.S.Z: Project partner; Project duration: 2022 - 2024
The project "Learning Workshop for Sustainable Environmental Protection" develops and tests innovative learning workshops in 5 occupational fields. They are intended to address sustainable environmental and climate protection in vocational education and training. These job-specific 5 learning workshops are based on a general concept that is developed in the project. The project as a whole strives for a holistic portfolio of results that can be used in both vocational education and training.
In the project, 6 partners from 5 member states of the European Union work together for 2 years.
EU-H2020-Project PROMPT
'PRemature Obsolescence Multi-Stakeholder Product Testing' Program
Role R.U.S.Z: project partner; Project duration: May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2023
The consumption of resources and the amount of waste in electrical and electronic consumer goods have been increasing dramatically for decades. At the same time, many critical materials cannot be recovered in the recycling process. A promising strategy would therefore be to extend the life span of these products in order to move closer to a circular economy. The PROMPT project will support the development of more durable products by reducing the asymmetry of information between consumers and producers, thus enabling consumers to make better choices.
PROMPT's main objective is to develop an independent testing program to support the assessment of the durability of electrical and electronic equipment before it is placed on the market. The test program will highlight important aspects related to the durability of electrical and electronic equipment. It aims to provide test laboratories, consumer organisations, market surveillance authorities and other interested stakeholders with reliable definitions and methodological assessment against early obsolescence.
Learn more: PROMPT-Website and PROMPT-Project summary
Project 'Donate your old washing machine'
The eco-social redistribution of large household appliances
Role R.U.S.Z: Project executing organization; Project duration: 2010-2023
The project aims to ensure a continuous inflow of high-quality used large household appliances for resale. The basis for the production of second-hand appliances is the donations that the R.U.S.Z. receives from its customer target group. In the middle of 2010 the donation campaign with washing machines was started. In the meantime, we not only receive around 1,000 large household appliances per year, but also several tons of consumer electronics, computers and small household appliances.
The project is funded by the City of Vienna - Environmental Protection (MA 22)

In 2023, the project achieved the following results:
- Number of large electrical appliances collected: 596 units (collection: 429 units, own delivery: 167 units)
- Reuse rate: 18% (108 units)
- Recycling: 82% (488 items). As in previous years, appliances classified for recycling were handed over to the company Metall Recycling, Müller-Guttenbrunn-GmbH for further treatment (including removal of harmful substances).
- Viennese waste prevention volume (in kg/tons): The mass of waste saved by reusing the refurbished large electrical appliances amounts to a total of 6,480 kg. Based on the quantity of appliances that would have become waste without the project measure, this results in a waste prevention rate of 181 kg/t.
- CO2 equivalent saved (in kg/tons): The GWP (Greenhouse Warming Potential), measured in CO2eq, is a midpoint indicator of life cycle assessment and standardizes the value of climate-changing emissions to that of carbon dioxide.
Based on the average value for the production of large electrical appliances calculated for the carbon footprint of R.U.S.Z Franchising GmbH and the assumption that the reuse of a used appliance that has not become waste replaces the purchase of a new appliance of the same value, the reuse sale in 2023 results in an avoidance of emissions of around 24 t CO2eq.
When referenced to the quantity of appliances that would have become waste without the project measure, this results in a GWP avoidance rate of 670 kg CO2eq/t WEE.
Details of the calculations can be found in the document "Carbon Benefit of R.U.S.Z Franchising GmbH", available at .
Learn more: Donations-Project summary
Project "Social Franchising:
carrying 20 years of experience in Circular Economy to other regions"
Role R.U.S.Z: Project Management Agency; Project duration: August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2019
The project is funded by the BMNT (former Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy - BMWFW) within the framework of the program "Projects on the topic 'Integration and Securing of Jobs and Company Locations'".
The R.U.S.Z GmbH intends to carry its successful business model in the form of social franchising into other regions. The aim of the project is to create the conditions for the use of the successful R.U.S.Z business concept for repair services and ReUse by third parties in newly founded branches. By spreading the concept of the common good economy through social franchising, new sustainable businesses and jobs are created. So far, only conventional franchise models are known for the repair services sector, e.g. in the field of car repair. Therefore an eco-social franchise concept is to be developed in a parallel process with the development of a new location in a conurbation (Graz). The distribution of the R.U.S.Z. business model at new locations creates added value in Austria and also, from the very beginning, jobs for the permanent employment of formerly long-term unemployed mechatronics engineers, as well as their training as technical experts. The employment and integration of refugees is also intended. For the R.U.S.Z., the use of the brand and know-how in a sustainable business relationship in return for fair compensation by third parties generates additional sales.
A first pilot operation for this concept was opened with the branch of the R.U.S.Z in Graz on December 1, 2017.
Tuning washing machines
Role R.U.S.Z: Project executing organization; Project duration: January 2010 - May 2011
Together with our scientific partner KERP Research Elektronik & Umwelt GmbH, we have developed a technology that "tunes" a used washing machine into an energy-efficient machine that meets today's standards. The technical innovation "washing machine tuning", which in our prototype, a 13-year-old brand-name washing machine, resulted in a water saving of 30% and an energy saving of 20% (with the same cleaning performance), can also be adapted for dishwashers.
Label for durable and repair-friendly designed new electrical equipment
Role R.U.S.Z: Project collaboration; Project duration: 2014
Together with the Austrian Standards Institute and other partners, the R.U.S.Z. has developed the Eco-Design Label for durable and repair-friendly designed new electrical equipment (ON Rule ONR 192102) and updated it in 2014 (ONR 192102:2014).

OREG (Optimal resource management of electrical appliances)
Process optimization for the collection and treatment of WEEE with the aim of achieving the highest possible added value
Role R.U.S.Z: Project partner; Project duration: 2013-2015
The aim of the project was to increase the use of resources by optimizing the collection and treatment processes for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) with regard to ReUse, the use of entire equipments or components and the utilization of the valuable fractions. The project focused on the most important WEEE of the collection categories in terms of quantity and value: Large and small appliances. An essential aspect was the networking of all parties involved in this process.
Erasmus - QualiProSH Electro
Role R.U.S.Z: Project partner; Project duration: 2014-2016
The QualiProSH Electro project includes partners from five European countries. The aim of the project was the development of three business area-specific modules and two modules for the teaching of necessary social competence, as well as the combination of these five new modules and five already completed modules from the predecessor project QualiProSH II to form an overall qualification as "Specialist for old electrical appliances".
Learn more: Erasmus QualiProSH - Project summary
Erasmus+ Project QualiProAIR Escort:
'Qualification and professionalization of the accompaniment of asylum seekers, immigrants and war refugees
Role R.U.S.Z: Project partner; Project duration: 2016-2018
The project, in which 6 institutions from 5 European countries (Finland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Bulgaria) participated, is based on the need for a qualification profile for professional and voluntary companions and advisors of immigrants. During the project period from 2016 to 2018, different educational products were developed on the basis of vocational-scientific studies in the participating countries in order to offer professional qualification to those working in the field and to make their acquired competences and know-how comparable across countries, as well as to promote their labour market mobility.
Learn more: Erasmus+ QualiProAIR Escort - Project summary
Erasmus+ Project "BvB Migration+"
Strategic partnership project BvB Migration plus: Vocational preparation and integration into the training market of refugees and young people with a migration background
Role R.U.S.Z: Project partner; Project duration: September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2020
Under the direction of 'Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Rendsburg-Eckernförde' (Germany) and together with six European project partners from Austria, the United Kingdom, Spain, Slovenia, Italy and Bulgaria, the project "BvB Migration plus" aims to develop a uniform EU-wide concept of measures for vocational preparation that is tailored to the needs of the target group.
Learn more: Erasmus+ Project summary