R.U.S.Z has received several prizes and awards for its social and ecological commitment:
Green Marketing Award 2023
Für unsere konsequente Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in Sachen Produktnutzungsdauer, Reparatur und Kreislaufwirtschaft sind wir am 1. Juni mit dem Green Marketing Award (Kategorie "B-2-BE", Eisen) ausgezeichnet worden.
Mehr dazu unter green-marketing-award.at und im Präsentationsvideo

Für unser anhaltendendes Engagement im Rahmen der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), "Hochwertige Bildung" (SDG4), "Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum" (SDG8), "Verantwortungsvoller Konsum und Produktion" (SDG12), "Klimaschutz" (SDG13) und "Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Ziele" (SDG17) sind wir am 6. Juni vom internationalen Bildungsnetzwerk PILGRIM ausgezeichnet und zertifiziert worden.
Learn more: pilgrim.at

Generali SME - EnterPRIZE 2022
We have been awarded in the category "Best Practice: Environment" for our long-standing practice of linking labour market policy requirements and ecological necessities.
Over 90% of our permanent employees come from (long-term) unemployment and have been trained as top technicians who ensure the extension of the product life of 12,000 e-appliances per year.
Learn more: Sustainability Hero Story and Video

ÖFV Social & Green Award 2022
As part of the annual Franchise Gala of the Austrian Franchise Association, the SENAT DER WIRTSCHAFT Österreich presents the "Green & Social Award" to franchise systems with a special social impact. An important factor in the jury's decision was that we fulfil 5 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for which we already received an award last year as SDG Good Practice of the United Nations.

Iceberg Innovation Leadership Award 2021
Sepp Eisenriegler was awarded as a pioneer for sustainable management, the R.U.S.Z as an ecological and social lighthouse project: resource conservation through Repair and ReUse, EU lobbying for durable household appliances and circular economy, development of EU standards and product service systems.
Learn more at austrian-innovation-forum.at

United Nations: SDG-Good Practices
R.U.S.Z is the first Austrian company to be included in the United Nations' SDG Good Practices database. With this entry, our model for repair and ReUse is recommended globally for replication and scaling up.
You can find more information in our Blog.

Climate Impact Challenge
Trend and Glacier awarded a first prize to R.U.S.Z. in the category "Workplace": "Here, R.U.S.Z. prevailed, whose goal is to repair as many appliances as possible in order to save CO2 that would otherwise be produced in the production of new appliances."
More on this in the Interview auf trend.at

Lead project of the Smart City strategy
"Vienna 2030 - Economy & Innovation"
In order to achieve sustainable growth and create jobs, the demand for recyclable and durable products in Vienna must be promoted. The repair and service center R.U.S.Z has so far been able to extend the product life of around 9,000 electrical appliances per year in Vienna.
Learn more at smartcity.wien.gv.at

Sustainable shapers, LebensArt 2020
1st place ex aequo: Climate Initiative initiator Katharina Rogenhofer, youth coach Ali Malohdji and Sepp Eisenriegler from R.U.S.Z for their leading role in the circular economy, resource conservation, climate protection, employment of the long-term unemployed and training of apprentices for the repair trade.
More on this in the interview auf businessart.at and in the R.U.S.Z Flankerl 06/2020

Allianz Environment prize
Because R.U.S.Z provides an important contribution to the conservation of resources with the repair & ReUse of electronic appliances, we won the "Allianz Environment prize" in the category "induvidual, small and medium enterprise".

Living Standards Award - 2020
R.U.S.Z. as the largest independent repair shop for electrical and electronic equipment in Austria has won the "Living Standards Award" in the category 'Reaching International Markets: Battle against electronic waste'.
You can find more information in our Blog.

Winners with passion - 2019
In May 2019 the award ceremony "Winners with passion" was held by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, where companies from trade and industry are honoured for their achievements in innovation and excellence, export and design, sustainability and climate protection, education and family friendliness.
We are delighted that R.U.S.Z has once again been honoured as a beacon project. You can find a short video of the award ceremony here.

Winners with passion - 2018
In May 2018, R.U.S.Z. was selected by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber as one of the 'Top Companies in Trade and Crafts of the Year 2017' and received the award 'Winner with Passion' in the category 'Training and Sustainability'.
We are pleased to be among the best in Austria's largest employer industry.

Environmental Award of the City of Vienna - 2018
R.U.S.Z. has recently won the environmental award of the city of Vienna! "The project 'Use instead of owning' of the Repair and Service Centre R.U.S.Z. has inspired us especially by the everyday and practical implementation of the "Shared Economy" concept. From the product 'washing machine' to the service 'clean laundry', R.U.S.Z. is turning the business model 'use instead of owning' from a buzzword into a future-oriented business model", explains AK Vice President Willibald Steinkellner.
Through the washing machine leasing model, unnecessary resource consumption and the production of equipment with planned obsolescence is not given a chance. In doing so, the company draws on years of expertise in the repair sector as well as social competence as a place of employment for the long-term unemployed and a training center for young people.

Georg Patak-Memorial Award for R.U.S.Z. Founder
Sepp Eisenriegler - 2018
Environment councillor Ulli Sima (right in the picture) honours Sepp Eisenriegler with the "Georg Patak-Memorial Prize", which was awarded for the first time as part of the environmental awards for his life's work. Georg Patak (in the background of the picture) was a longtime, deserving employee of the MA22 environmental protection department, who unfortunately passed away much too early.
Together with Sepp Eisenriegler, he developed the vision of replacing every irreparable washing machine in the sphere of influence of the City of Vienna with the product service "Clean Laundry". Karin Büchl-Krammerstätter (left in the picture), head of the environmental protection department, congratulates as a former colleague and superior of Georg Patak.

Copyright: Christian Houdek/PID
SDG Special Award of the Senate of Economy - 2018
The business model of R.U.S.Z. is fully in line with the "Circular Economy Action Plan" published in 2015. It provides added value for the community on a social and ecological level by the permanent employment of formerly long-term unemployed mechatronics engineers. Our technicians train them to become technical experts and make a significant contribution to resource conservation by extending the useful life of consumer goods.
It creates added value, has lived the strategy of resource conservation since its foundation as an essential maxim for action and has been committed to sustainable production and consumption of electrical equipment for more than 20 years. Doing so in combination with its successful public relations work and extraordinarily effective lobbying, it is effective locally, nationally and at EU level.

TRIGOS Austria - 2017
The prize was awarded in three categories to a total of six companies that demonstrate exemplary ecological and social behavior.
In the category "Social Entrepreneurship" the Repair and Service Centre R.U.S.Z. emerged as winner:
"It works against a resource-depleting, environmentally harmful economy by repairing electrical equipment!"

Golden Medal of Merit of the State of Vienna for R.U.S.Z. founder Sepp Eisenriegler - 2014
Environment City Councillor Ulli Sima honoured Sepp Eisenriegler with a high distinction for active protection of the Viennese environment. Sepp Eisenriegler was awarded the Golden Merit Medal of the City of Vienna as a pioneer of repair services and thus of active waste prevention.
In its laudatory speech, the Vienna City Council Heinz Vettermann honoured Sepp Eisenriegler's lifelong commitment with many projects in the spectrum of environmental protection and social issues, which also have an impact beyond Vienna and into the European Union. He hopes that the thanks of the City of Vienna will give strength. "What you are doing is good for Vienna, good for the environment and good for all of us".

Copyright: Jobst/PID
GREEN BRAND Austria Personality
R.U.S.Z-Founder Sepp Eisenriegler - 2014
For his tireless efforts against the waste of resources, Sepp Eisenriegler was awarded the title "GREEN BRAND Austria Personality 2014". This is what Green Brand Austria writes: "Socio-Economist, environmental consultant and philanthropist: Sepp Eisenriegler is someone who cares about the earth, its limited resources and people. One who interferes. A social and environmental entrepreneur who dares to speak out even uncomfortable truths in public. And immediately takes the initiative to fight against them.

Environmental Award of the City of Vienna - 2013
R.U.S.Z. has won the Environmental Protection Prize of the City of Vienna 2013 for the awareness-raising effect of its media campaigns against planned obsolescence.
The price committee writes: "Together with the social partners, the non-profit enterprise (...) is committed to the clear labelling of durable, repair-friendly new equipment. The jury was convinced by the company's special commitment against the throwaway trend to the benefit of the environment and consumers."

B2B Diversity Night - Best Project 2013
R.U.S.Z. won the prize for the best project at the B2B Diversity Night with the project "Corporate Social Responsibility Repair - Creating Jobs for People on the Edge of the Labor Market".
R.U.S.Z., as a non-profit social enterprise, is committed to saving resources and creating meaningful employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed through repair services. The spectrum of the 22 permanently employed formerly long-term unemployed people ranges from people with disadvantages due to migration background to people with social challenges such as physical limitations, alcohol problems, age, people in or after severe life crises (e.g. divorce).
In order to fulfill its social mission, R.U.S.Z. employs people who are less able to perform. This succeeds because the social and ecological goals come before profit orientation.

Austrian Climate Protection Award - 2009
R.U.S.Z. was awarded the Austrian Climate Protection Prize in the category "Ideas & Innovation". A jury of experts and the ORF audience selected the winners from a total of 426 submissions.
More than 40,000 votes were cast for the 16 projects nominated by the jury. The Austrian Climate Protection Prize was awarded by the Ministry of Life and ORF.
"The Austrian Climate Protection Award puts Austrian successes in the spotlight. With many examples of best practice, it shows the way to more sustainability and climate protection. Both the economy and each individual benefit from this. After all, the green jobs that are created are jobs that we need right now, in economically difficult times," explains Environment Minister Niki Berlakovich.

Winner of "Ideas against poverty" - 2009
The jury selected the Repair and Service Centre R.U.S.Z with its washing machine donation project as the winner of the competition "Ideas against poverty" out of around 60 entries.

Energy Globe Award - 2008
For the world's most important environmental award, the ENERGY GLOBE Award, R.U.S.Z. was the winner in the category "Water" out of 111 international submissions!

Austria's best employers - 2004
In the nationwide competition, R.U.S.Z. reached the 2nd place among the non-profit organizations. The award stands for a credible management that treats employees fairly and respectfully, for a high level of employee identification and a strong team spirit.